I am a loyal reader of Parenting: Illustrated with Crappy Pictures. Amber is awesome, and just recently, she wrote a post where she interviewed her kids. The answers – of course – were hilarious.
And true to the saying: “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”, I’m totally copying her.
I interviewed my kids while I sat at the computer in front of a blank Word document. I tried to type out their responses verbatim (funny toddler accents omitted, only because Lucy’s responses wouldn’t be English, but instead phonetical craziness). Some of Lucy’s answers are also left out, because she wanted to respond, “a animal doctor” and “toy!” to every question.
And that’s just not good content. Sorry, Lulu.
I used the sample questions that Amber provided, as well as a few of my own. Presenting: An Interview with my Children:
How old am I?
Lila: 30 (Dang-it – the child was right! )
Lucy: I don’t know.
What is my job?
Lila: To keep us safe
What do I do with my friends?
Lila: You like to uh, talk to them. Do you like to… have guests over when you have dinner?
Lucy: You play with them.
What is my favourite food?
Lila: Pita. And grapes.
Lucy: Hamburgers. Mom – do you like hamburgers?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Lila: I want to be… a artist.
Lucy: An animal doctor… wait! An animal doctor at the ZOO!
What does Daddy do?
Lila: He does go to work. He makes bridges and offices. (Sort of.)
Lucy: He makes popcorn.
What is Daddy’s favourite food?
Lila: Yogurt.
Lucy: I can’t think it.
What is the meaning of life?
Lila: Stay with each other. And – when Lulu pinches me, I try to yell or scream – but no matter what, I don’t scream at a child.
What brings you the most happiness?
Lila: The most happiness is growing flowers. But not too much water. They bloom – flowers – and they open. Even vegetables.
Lucy: The happiest is the colour blue. It’s my favourite.
When do you feel the most loved?
Lila: Most times I like my Dad to put me to bed – because he gives me piggybanks. (Piggy-backs)
What are you afraid of?
Lila: I’m afraid of – just – scary monsters and skeletons and I’m afraid of scary darkness.
Lucy: I’m afraid of lions.
If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
Lila: I wish for a toy for Lulu.
What is the funniest word?
Lila: Croak –a-la-dee-lah
Lucy: The funniest word is… blue! Ha ha haaa….
What is the hardest thing to do?
Lila: Umm… trying – like this – *Jumping around and doing gymnastics-y type movements*
And also trying to eat things with Chinese sticks.
What is the best thing in the world?
Lila: I like to go on walks with my dad and also go to preschool, play with my friends, and also have tea.
What makes you mad?
Lila: When Lulu plays on the iPad and I don’t.
What is the meaning of love?
Lila: I lovvveee…. Having a glass of water and I love having a glass of water upside when I have hiccups. I have the hiccups right now.
Lucy: Loving is my favourite fun thing.
If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
Lila: I will buy a certificate. A princess Tangled Disneyland one. And maybe a Snow White one too.
Lucy: I would buy more fruit.
And there you have it. From the mouths of babes. Matt Lauer – you don’t know what you’re missing!
To my bloggy friends – I invite you to interview the kids in your life. I can only imagine the awesome answers that your kid/niece/nephew/grandkid would say.
Sometimes I think more honesty comes out of their mouths than out of most grown-ups’.
Actually, I don’t think – I know.
And loving is my favourite fun thing, too.
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Photo credits: The amazingly talented Lindsay Faber Photography
I have to try this. And I’m dying over the hiccups and the chopsticks. And the popcorn. Love.
Do it! I want to see what R says!
Too cute!
Awww… thanks, Shari!
Kenz @ Interiors By Kenz
I can’t wait to interview my kid. I think my favorite was “but no matter what, I don’t scream at a child.” I laughed out loud, and my office mates just stared at me. They think I’m crazy. And It’s okay. You’re a fun mom. Keep doing a good job. I want to be like you!
Oh, thank you, Kenz. Well, the kids keep it fun (and occasionally frustrating). You’re going to be a rad mom. I already know it! 🙂
Cara Howard
Hahahahahaha. This made my day. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing! Hahahaa. Gosh, all the answers are SO FUNNY and so good. I want your kids. Hahaha!
You want my kids? That’s awesome. Are you available Saturday nights?
They’re pretty cute when they’re not being little maniacs. And I’m so glad that I did this interview – it’s a little slice of them at this moment. 🙂
Lucy’s going to be an animal doctor at the zoo but she’s afraid of lions! Hilarious! This was fun to read! Wish I had done it when mine were little!
Oh, I know. If you spent an afternoon with Lucy, you’d soon learn that she is a walking contradiction. She’s the independent cling-on child. She’ll sit sweetly at dinner, unless we have company… then she’s the monkey that is up and down and then up again.
(It was lots of fun to interview them – and Lila loved it!)
Amy of while wearing heels
Adorable. How sweet are your girls. You are obviously instilling a love of gardening and fruit in your beautiful little ladies 🙂
They can’t help their love of fruit. I think it’s because they mostly refuse to eat all vegetables and most meats. Aside from Goldfish crackers, there really isn’t much left to nosh on! 🙂 And the gardening thing is going well so far! We just need to get a harvest happening!
Such a cute idea…I hope that child gets her fruit LOL
Oh man… she gets her fruit. It’s one of the three things she actually WILL eat these days. 🙂
OMG, what a beautiful post about a beautiful family! This is truly precious!
Thank you so much, Marilyn! I’m sure that I’ll look back at this interview and think, “Remember when they were so little?”
Sue | London Life Coach
This is so cute.. Kids are so adorable and their answers are funny but true. Thanks for sharing this awesome moment with your kids. 🙂
I’m so glad that you enjoyed it, Sue! I love capturing little moments of the girls – they change so fast!
Lauren @ The Thinking Closet
I hope you have recordings of their “phonetical craziness.” That is worth freezing in time!
And Lila might be a philosopher. “Stay with each other” nearly brought on the waterworks! And I was cracking up at so many of their sweet little phrases like “Chinese sticks.” You can’t make this stuff up!
You’re so right, Lauren. You can’t make this up. When she said, “Chinese sticks”, I laughed because I knew exactly what she meant.
Lila is definitely an old soul – she says things that are so emotional and beyond her. Lucy just likes a laugh. (I wonder where she got that from?)
Laurie @ Vin’yet Etc.
Not sure how I missed this gem!? Wow this is so adorable, I love it! All of it was extra cute and sweet, but the piggybanks, my new fave! Thanks so much for sharing!
What a wonderful idea! I will have to copycat this and interview my kids too. The best thing about blogging is that I get to have a record of everything for years to come!
All the answers were so funny – the cutest things kids say! Mommy’s first job is always to keep kids safe. 🙂
You should definitely do your own interview, Deepika! It still makes me smile when I read it. Like you said – blogs capture our moments in time. It’s nice to have a record of the kids as they grow.
I’m dying over here. Love these interviews.
Hugs, J.
You have to do it with your little ones! The answers are always so fabulous.
This is so cute.. Kids are so adorable and their answers are funny but true. Thanks for sharing this awesome moment with your kids. ?