… I’ve decided to dip my toes into another Social Media ocean: Instagram.
Instagram has been huge for ages. I’ve mostly ignored it, while occasionally admiring photos posted on blogs and on websites.
But finally – FINALLY – I’ve decided to give it a try. And I have to admit: it’s a lot of fun!
The beauty of Instagram is that it is instant editing right at your fingertips…
…whether you’re in the garden…
… hopping down the bunny trail….
… or braving the cold splash of hose water.
Instagram is notorious for pictures of food. This homemade calamari may not look as beautiful as some other dishes, but I guarantee that it was a delicious and wholly satisfying culinary endeavour.
I’m also able to capture my moments of weakness: ice cream at the produce market…
… letting them bake by themselves…
… or hopscotch way past their bedtimes.
Does my iPhone and Instagram replace my – now seemingly giant – DSLR camera? No. Not in the slightest. But it does allow me to capture moments that would otherwise slip away into the hot summer night air. Like the picture of a four year old singing out her numbers as she hops over chalk lines on the pavement.
Trouble is, I’m still very new in Instagram-Land. This means that I have virtually no followers and hardly anyone to follow. I ask my readers: Are you on Instagram? If so, please leave your Instagram profile name in the comments (or follow me by clicking on the icon below). I will follow back.

I will probably like all (or at least most) of your photos. I will comment on lots of them.
I’m nosy and a chatterbox: it’s the perfect combination for an Instagrammer. (And my Instagram name is Suburble. I’m pretty sure that I’m the only person who has ever thought of that name. It was waiting for me to claim it!)
Looking forward to seeing those little moments through YOUR eyes.
Want to see more photos of my hilarious and calamitous life? Follow along!

I just started using Picmonkey.com to edit my photos, totally fun! I know nothing about instagram though, I assume it is something for everyone else on the planet that owns a phone that you can take pictures with, right? One day I will catch up with the times! Talk soon!
Yeah- it’s a phone thing. And it’s pretty addicting, so maybe you’re wise not to get started! I use PicMonkey too! It’s super awesome, isn’t it?
Kenz @ Interiors By Kenz
You’ve joined the darkside 🙂 I love instagram! I just followed you 🙂 So we can be even BESTER friends now.
Thank you for my Dark Side Welcome Wagon. I’m sure that it’s very nice over here. I will follow you back, and then I can stalk you properly (instead of the half-arsed stalking I’ve been doing so far!) 🙂
Amy of while wearing heels
How funny. I’ve enjoyed following you. My favorite picture of yours, besides your pacman flip flops, the picture of you with the girls baking in the background.
I am still learning how to perfect the “phone picture”, so I hope that my Instagrams get better with experience. I do love the baking photo, though. It truly expresses how I was feeling at that very moment (and it captures the mischievous looks on the girls’ faces). The muffins did NOT turn out, if anybody was wondering.
I have just started using it too! Unfortunately, it just proves how boring I am. Oh, and I also really need an iPhone, my droid camera is terrible!
I’m going to follow you, Miss Bethany! I’m sure that you’re far more interesting than I am! 🙂
Doubt it 😉
Krista @thehappyhousie
Just added you! I have barely gotten into it too… not many followers. Plan to start using it more though too:) I love the vintage look it can give your pics
I’m a big fan of it, too, but I still have a long ways to go. Some of the photos on IG are absolutely jaw-dropping. And yet another learning-curve to this blogging business! 😉
Kelly @ A Swell Place to Dwell
I have resisted Instagram so far. Not because I don’t think it’s awesome, but because I honestly don’t think that my brain can handle ANOTHER social media outlet. Although, I don’t really like Twitter and have considered cancelling that account and moving over to Instagram instead. I think 2 social media outlets is my limit.
On another note….we have that crazy sprinkler too. Do your girls love it? Fin is slightly terrified of it but still totally loves it. And that pic of you and your girls baking in the background…made me actually laugh out loud!!
Oh, that crazy sprinkler – it’s a love/hate relationship that the girls have. Sometimes they go blasting through it, and others, they both stop and stare at it (or Lucy implores that I turn it down until the “worms” stop wriggling).
I hear you on the Social Media craziness. I’m brutal at it. Bru-tal. I’ve let G+ almost completely become ignored. And I’ve connected my FB to Twitter so that every update on FB is “tweeted”. It’s lazy social media, but I also need more time. I think you’re smart to limit yourself to 2 social media outlets. How connected can we be? Seriously?
Linda @ it all started with paint
I haven’t ventured on instagram yet. Something about needing a smart phone. And I have a dumb phone …
🙂 Linda
Smart phones just end up becoming very addicting pocket-computers. I love mine, but I also hate it as well. (Does that make sense?)