Pirate Party Games: Captain Hook's Ring Toss! - Suburble


  1. September 4, 2013
    Kenz @ Interiors By Kenz

    I’m glad you are embedding party-planning into your littles. If they are anything like their mom, they are going to be party die hards! Love this ring toss game. So so cute! And seriously, who just throws away a shutter?! Do they not know anything?!

    • September 4, 2013

      I know. It’s like, ‘Don’t you know that shutters are one of the more upcycl-able things!?!? This is like throwing away money! MONEY!”

      But my neighbour was probably all, “I don’t want shutters on my house any more. Off to the curb, little shutters.”


      Yes, party planning will probably become an all-encompassing thing for them, just like me. You should have seen me at my wedding. I didn’t even blog then. It was crazy-town.

  2. September 4, 2013
    Amy of while wearing heels

    I pinned this, from you earlier and it’s seriously gone viral. I finally got around to coming and checking it out, though and I am in love. What a brilliant pirate party themed game.

    • September 4, 2013

      Oooh… viral? I hope so. I love it when a pin gets a bit of love! Thank you for that!

      I was really happy with the way it turned out. The fact that I could combine it with an upcycle was a double-whammy of awesomeness. 🙂

  3. September 4, 2013
    Bronwyn MayB

    I love that you found a shutter. That is hilarious. Good use of it though!

    • September 4, 2013

      You should see what I found on the side of the road tonigh! I’m so excited!

      (I have more shutters, too. Honestly, I could grow up to be the person who collects bike frames and old cars in their front yard. I’m glad that Mr. Sububle sometimes gives me the side-eye when I’m scoping out junk on the side of the road. He reigns me in.)

      • September 4, 2013
        Bronwyn MayB

        Every once in awhile, I will text Wade with a “There is [blank] by the side of the road!” and his response is almost always “No.” I already have a storage unit full of things I plan on redoing, recovering, fixing, or making into something cool.

        • September 4, 2013

          Ooohhh… I want to see pictures of this storage unit. I’ll bet that there are TONNES of good finds in there!

          My inner-hoarder approves!

  4. September 5, 2013
    kelley @ Miss Information

    Tara this is adorable and so inventive. Sharing it tonight on my FB Page

    • September 5, 2013

      Thank you so much, Kelley! I appreciate the share! 🙂

  5. September 5, 2013

    Earning your pirate accessories is way more fun that walking the plank! (Unless you did a “Walk the Plank” game too?!

    • September 5, 2013

      I didn’t do a “walk the plank” game, only because I was worried about tumbles and tears. If I do another pirate party when the guest list involves older kids, I’m DEFINITELY going to do a plank-walking game!

  6. September 5, 2013

    O….M……G! This is brilliant, Tara! I absolutely LOVE this pirate game…..much cooler than walking the plank for this age group! Can I come to your next pirate party?

    • September 5, 2013

      Thanks so much, Marilyn! I was really happy with the way it turned out, too! You’re definitely welcome at our next Pirate Bash! I’ll make you in charge of the ice cream! 🙂

  7. September 5, 2013

    Oh this looks like such a great game! It’s perfect for any party and you could easily switch it up for other themes. I think we might have to try something like this at Lotte’s birthday coming up. 🙂

    • September 5, 2013

      Thank you so much, Kadie! What is Lotte’s theme? I’m sure that you could easily switch this around from party to party (especially if say, you had five kids!?!?) 😉

  8. March 15, 2016

    This looks like such a fun game. I am featuring this in my Birthday Parties roundup if you don’t mind.


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