Selling Your House: The Showing Check-list - Suburble


  1. October 10, 2013

    Great list! I’m a licensed real estate agent and you only get one shot at showings (buyers rarely reschedule if house can’t be shown). New hand towels are huge! And, I always tell clients to clear any and all toiletries from bathroom counter and showers (nobody wants to think about your morning routine)! Great list! laura

    • October 10, 2013

      That’s great advice, Laura. Definitely clearing out all sorts of toiletries and make-up will make a huge difference! I don’t want to know what kind of moisturizer the seller uses! 🙂

  2. October 10, 2013
    Kelly @ A Swell Place to Dwell

    Close the toilet seats…such a good one! I couldn’t believe how many pictures on MLS had the toilet seats up!

    • October 10, 2013

      Oh, for some reason, toilet seats never seem weird when they’re up – unless you’re touring a house.

  3. October 10, 2013
    Amy of while wearing heels

    Your making me want to sell my house 🙂

    • October 10, 2013

      Nah.. you love your house! But if you do ever sell it, you’ll have a friend to vent to. It’s a crazy process.

  4. October 11, 2013
    Evelyn@Self Storage

    This checklist is fabulous. I am also shifting to my new home, so may be I will sell my home. Thus for selling my old home, I will keep all these tips in mind. Thanks Tara!!!

    • October 13, 2013

      Thank you so much, Evelyn! I wish you luck with whatever decision you make – selling your house quickly becomes all-consuming!

  5. October 11, 2013

    Argh the 10 minute thing is a killer great heck list!

    • October 13, 2013

      Oh, thanks so much, Mel. We’ve had a few “Oh no… WHEN are they going to be here!?!?” moments. It’s helpful to have a list to keep your wits about you!

  6. October 11, 2013

    This is an absolutely brilliant checklist. I really like the way you organized it by completing tasks that are doable in chunks of item available. Great for planning! ~Thea

    • October 13, 2013

      Thank you so much, Thea! I really made it mostly for myself. I find that lists really help in those moments of panic! 😉

  7. October 11, 2013

    Awesome tips! The first one made me smile! Love the sheet protector idea!

    • October 13, 2013

      Yes, once you’ve gotten “Panic” out of the way, you’re ready to tackle the rest! 🙂

  8. October 11, 2013

    Great post! I love your idea to put the list in a sheet protector.

    • October 13, 2013

      Thanks, Sharon! I figure that it makes it easier than printing a new list every time. Waste not, want not… and all that good stuff! 😉

      Plus, It’s much harder to accidentally chuck out a paper in a sheet protector! It just screams, “I’m important!”

  9. October 12, 2013
    Bronwyn MayB

    Being that I NEVER plan to sell my house ever again (I will just flee in the middle of the night like a bandit) I hope never to need this list. However, it is an awesome list, to be sure.

    • October 13, 2013

      That must be a lovely feeling, Bronwyn, to know that your house is THE house. You don’t ever want to move.

      I long for that feeling. I’m on the quest for our “forever home” – however long that takes.

  10. January 6, 2015
    Coldwell Banker

    Good check list! Also remember to keep your windows clean and if you have the time clean up your front yard and/or porch considering that is the first thing potential buyers will see.

    • January 7, 2015

      Totally agree! Curb appeal is huge! We drove up to a few houses where we were wrinkling our noses before even getting out of the car.

  11. August 29, 2016

    We just accepted an offer for our house. I did most of the checklists each morning to be able to be ready very quickly. Having the house nice and tidy makes a difference. We’ve been looking at houses and seeing a lot of clutter has been a huge turn off. We bought the pretty linens in all the bathrooms and in the kitchen. We coordinated colors in each room. It pays off. We received the offer after only ten days. One thing I will add as a buyer that influenced my home shopping. Get a professional to take the pictures. That’s what our realtor did. They were attractively done. He had an eye for bringing out the best features of our home. I’ve seen so many poorly done pictures over the past year.

    • August 30, 2016

      That is so exciting, Andrea! Congratulations on the offer. Isn’t that a great feeling! And yes, you’re so right about having professional photos. It is such a game changer to the listing.

  12. December 1, 2023
    Henry Killingsworth

    I thought it was interesting when you mentioned that people often have multiple showings to contend with when trying to sell a home. With that in mind, it would probably be a good idea to work with a real estate agent when you are trying to sell your home in a competitive market. Working with an agent seems like a good way to get your home to the top of the showings list.


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