There are many – MANY – sayings about how with creativity often comes a mess.
Apparently, creative people tend to be slobs. And they thrive in their clutter.
I believe it. My craft room is a testament to “creative chaos”.
And not everyone can handle this. I have friends whose shoulders start to creep up their necks when they see stickers and glue and scissors and OMG-don’t-dump-that-glitter-bottle….
There’s a reason why they call glitter the herpes of crafting. Once it’s here… it’s never going away.
We were challenged by the good people at Green Works cleaning products to make a mess.
I gladly obliged.
I am going to get medium-serious here for a second, just because I feel really strongly about this idea: for kids to truly exercise their creative muscles, they have to be allowed to make a mess.
If it’s experimenting with art supplies or mucking around in the garden or tipping over a bucket of toys, kids have to play without the pressure of being scolded for their messes.
This doesn’t mean that they don’t have to help clean it up, I’m not saying that. And this also doesn’t mean that they get to wreck things. Scratching your name into the table isn’t “art” when you know it’s going to devastate your mother. Common sense needs to prevail.
But a bit of glitter on the table, flour on the wall, Legos on the rug, dirt on the floor…. that’s not going to hurt anybody. It might make mom or dad nuts because things are imperfect for a while…. but that’s okay. That’s life.
My children have access to scissors and glue and paint and markers all the live long day. And I won’t lie: they leave a wake behind them. Sometimes Lucy will cut a piece of construction paper into fifty pieces, just so three can be glued to the page.
And Lila is the worst for wanting to staple things together. Never a pocket or an envelope, Lila’s art features the “bling” of metal staples.
But I see how they dive into projects without fear; they don’t need me to come up with ideas for them. They show me their work, but really, they know what they like.
They are confident in their creativity. And I’m so proud of that.
But eventually… craft time ends…
… and mom has to come back to help the troops clean up their chaos.
Green Works cleaning products has partnered with me for this post to offer one lucky reader the supplies to clean up after their creative chaos! With 97-99% naturally-derived ingredients, I am comfortable using these products in our home. The entire Green Works line has been recognized “for safer chemistry” by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States.
Green Works wants a lucky Suburble reader to feel good about getting their mess on. They’re offering a package of Green Works products – along with a Brita pitcher and hard-sided water bottle, to keep you hydrated in your creative endeavours – to a Canadian reader who enters in the Rafflecopter below.
The package (approx MSRP of $70) includes:
– Green Works All Purpose Cleaner
– Green Works Natural Compostable Wipes
– Green Works Natural Glass and Surface Cleaner
– Green Works Natural Dishwashing liquid
– Brita Grand Series Pitcher
– Brita Hard-Sided Water bottle
Giveaway is open to Canadian residents (excluding Quebec – sorry guys!). Void where prohibited. Giveaway will run from February 10th until 11:59 pm on February 16th, 2015. Green Works is responsible for prize-fulfillment.
Good luck!
Karen C. Hill
Biggest mess maker is hands down my husband!
lisa mclain
My son and the dogs are the mess makers !!
andrea amy
That’s a hard one as I have 5 sons, a husband and 2 cats. I would have to say its a three way tie between my youngest three boys who are 4, 6 and 7.
my almost 3 year old loves crispy rice, smart bran & hemp hearts on everything, sprinkles everywhere & if not sprinkles it’s peanut butter stuck every where too. love greenworks. cheers to this, thnx
ivy pluchinsky
my niece is the biggest mess maker here
angela m
My youngest daughter is the biggest mess maker
Amy Heffernan
Its a TIE between my teenager and my 5 year old!
Sarah at Journeys of The Zoo
Honestly, everyone is pretty neat in my house as it’s been ingrained into them. I’m a bit particular about cleaning up…
Glitter is a huge favourite though!
Besos, Sarah
Journeys of The Zoo
Wendy hutton
my son is he never picks up after himself
My daughter with sparkles
My husband-has never opened the dishwasher door in his life
Lisa Neutel
my kids are the biggest mess makers in my house ..and sadly they are old enought not to be
Ashley C
My dog, lol. Seriously.
My sister is the biggest mess maker! She takes over every surface it seems!
Love ’em to bunches but it has to be the pets!
Judy Cowan
Our 2 dogs & 2 cats make the most mess!
I would have to say my little guy is the biggest mess maker in our family.
Florence C
My husband is big mess maker in my house especially when he cooks.
Amy M. C.
Well, I have a husband and two boys….enough said!
Angela Mitchell
That’s an easy one — my 2 year old son is the biggest mess maker ever!
christina kim
my son
me, lol!
The biggest mess maker is a toss up between the husband and the youngest boy.
Bailey Dexter
LOL My better half thinks it the cats but I know it him!
Definitely my hubby. :o)
Monique L.S.
Definitely my 2-year old daughter.
michelle matta
it really is me. im organized but messy.
heidi c.
Definitely, my hubby! He thinks that there is a magic garbage fairy that follows him to pick up all his trash. He also is clueless when it comes to.loading a dishwasher!
Amy Brown
My 6 year old daughter is the biggest mess maker in our house.
Taylor Hawkins
It’s a tie between my 6 year old and 8 year old.
my 3 dogs are definitely the biggest mess makers in the house lol
Suzie M
The biggest mess maker would be my puppy
Tracy D
The biggest mess maker is the dog! Good thing we love him
Carol M (Lushka S)
Probably me – oops
Krista M
Definitely my son! He leaves crumbs EVERYWHERE and it drives me nuts! Sometimes I wish one of my arms had a permanent vacuum attachment!
I think our youngest son is messy
Erin W
I want to say my daughter, but really it’s my husband. Work boots in the house! I hate that
Karla Sceviour
errr.I think it is a tie between my hubby and teen son!!
Tammy Dalley
My boys make the biggest mess in my home
Josh S
That would be my daughter, but my son is working hard to take over first place.
Yuen C
The pet is the biggest mess maker
Valerie Mallette
The biggest mess-maker in my home is my cat.