About - Suburble

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Hi. I’m Tara – and welcome to my crazy little haunt on the internet. 

Surburble is a word that really isn’t a word. To me, it’s a combination of “suburban” (or Suburbia – the place where dreams go to buy their minivans) and “burble” which means constantly murmuring or running, or in my case – talking. Hence, Surburble: a rambling sort of place for me: a mother, teacher, sarcastic wiseass, and wanna-be of many things. 

old computer 5543

I have a partner-in-crime. His name is Mr. Suburble, and he is a sweet and patient man. He watches me slap paint onto random bits of furniture. He obediently pulls over onto the side of the road so that I can haul free dressers and chairs into the back of our car. He goes to work with flecks of glitter on his face. 

He also thinks I’m funny. 

Sold!  He’s a keeper. 

Fall 2011 127 copy

He and I have a few roommates in our house. Well, they’re not so much roommates as tiny little bosses. 

Lila came first. She is our bossy britches. Our observant one. Our cautious, but caring and generous daughter. 

She wants to lead at all times. She is dramatic and loud, but also creative and focused. 

Father's Day 2013 - 7 - Suburble

 Lucy joined our gang 18 months after Lila hit the scene. She is fiercely determined to be the opposite of her sister.

Lila likes pink; Lucy likes blue. Lila plays with Barbies; Lucy plays with cars. Lila wants to walk; Lucy wants to run. 

She is a cuddler and a snuggler, and always wants to be my shadow. Yet, she is independent. She will let her imagination run away with her. She often has dirt on her face.

In our house, Lucy  is the first one to ask, “Can I help!?? Can I help!?!?”

Spring 2013 139 copy

 Together, Lila and Lucy are a force. I intend on getting them involved in most of my creative projects. If they can’t help, they can at least entertain me! 


This gang is my laughter, my joy and my frustration. They’re so much of my life. 

But I also need a spot to put down my thoughts. I love to write and to get my hands dirty. Suburble is my place to do just that. A place where I get to have a laugh, share what I love (and what drives me nuts!) and to connect with all of you creative peeps.

And I love it when you reach out to me too. Never feel weird about emailing me or leaving a comment. I love it. And I promise you that I will respond. 

Let’s make a mess now, shall we? 


  1. October 20, 2016
    Nancy Harris

    I love your No-Sew way to recover an ottoman. I have one that looks a lot like your original leather one. I think i can do it but one question—how did you know how much material to purchase? I will only need one piece since mine doesn’t have that bottom portion…it is just one square leather OTTOMAn. Anyway, any suggestion would be helpful. Thank you!!!

    • October 24, 2016

      It was really a loose guess, I’d have to admit! I used three yards in my four-foot long ottoman project. I’d say err on the side of caution and get a bit more than you need. Does that help?

  2. October 22, 2016

    I wasnt able to comment in thE other section about your wood wreath. I too had problems with command hooks working on my door for hanging wreaths. There are 2 possible solutions. First I didnt adhere the command hook properly. Apparently You need to press it on and let it stay there for an hour before you hang anything on it. The second time i tried it worked and my wreath albeit a liGht one haSnt fallen off. Also if thay doesnt work, amazon sells strong magnets that have a hook on one side and magnets on bOth for hanging wreaths on storm doors. Just some helpful info! Love your home and style!

    • October 24, 2016

      I love that magnet idea, Jen! I wonder if I had not cleaned the door well enough prior to trying the command hook, but when the wreath fell, I was so bummed that I didn’t want to risk breaking it. Thank you so much for the sweet compliment. I appreciate it!

  3. February 14, 2017
    href=”http://www.dc24dev.com”web development|Dc24Dev|web design}

    Kudos in direction of Villanova, #1 in just the place. Produce it a double header… penn country journeys the palestra upon Saturday afternoon, additionally! Need to be a beneficial video game.

  4. May 21, 2017


    You wrote an article for Lee Valley – http://www.leevalley.com/en/newsletters/Gardening/2423/Article2.htm. In it you say “Among the cuttings is a misting system on an automatic timer. The misters go on for 10 seconds every 10 minutes from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. This keeps the plant foliage and planting medium evenly moist to aid rooting.”. What is the brand of timer and where did you get it? Also, you show six misters for the shelf – http://www.leevalley.com/en/newsletters/Gardening/2423/article2-14.jpg. Where did you get the misters?

    • June 2, 2017

      Hi Mike! I also got your email – did you find the parts you were looking for? Let me know if I can help at all!

  5. July 21, 2017
    Diane A. Lidell

    Can purchase your playing cards with the double ring , as blank, no 52 reasons? It would be PERFECT FOR my friends wedding guest signatures/wishes. Her wedding is 5/20/18. Also, can it come in other color choices, maybe purples or greens? Thank you so much, Diane

    • December 13, 2020

      Hi Tara,U Iove the super chunky bernet blanket you made in jan 01, 2018 in grey. I am fairly new at crocheting and brought books and did you tube to learn basuc stitches. I think thus would be a great blanket to start with. I just wanted ti verify that the entire blanket is done uaing the sungle crochet stitxh and is repeted for 22 rows? I was not able to fund the actual pattern. Thank you

  6. July 29, 2017

    Hello blogger, i must say you have very interesting articles here.

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  7. September 23, 2017
    Nicole Shelby

    I love your ottoman redo. I have one I want to redo. It looks to be about the same size as yours. How much fabric did you use?

  8. January 23, 2018

    Hi how do I subscribe? I saw a word on the side of one of the webpages; but when I clicked on it there was only an empty box.
    Thank you.

    • February 2, 2018

      Hi Susannah!

      I’m so glad you’d like to subscribe. I’m going to double-check on that empty box right now. Can you click on this link?


      • June 2, 2023
        Juli Gordon

        When transferring the images into the wood , you used a wood burner that had an attachment? I have a very high powered heat gun for crafting and was wondering if it would work for this? And I absolutely love the ottoman make over!! I saw this and went straight to the thrift store where there was one for $10 and it is a 20×20 box ottoman with a removable lid. I talked them into $5, found some really beautiful off white/ beige drapery material with a textured vine pattern all over. It was an awesome project and I only spent $5 for the storage ottoman and $2 for the material!! You give great direction in these projects also.
        Thanks for sharing!!

  9. September 3, 2019
    Rick Freeman

    Is it possible to get a more detailed list of part for the three stone fountain projects such as flow rate of pump and size of reservoir base

  10. March 31, 2020
    Ellorie Silver

    Hi Tara! I would love to see the full series on your greenhouse project but can’t seem to find any previous posts to the “final post”. My hubby and I replaced the windows on our home and I kept the old ones to build a greenhouse from. I’d really love to see your project from the beginning. Is there a link you can direct me to?


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